Monday, February 22, 2010

Water: Essential for Good Health

Why is water important for good health?

The body needs water to function. Our bodies are 60 to 70% water. Most parts of the body contain water, including the brain, blood, and muscle. The body needs water to:

• control body temperature
• remove wastes (through urine and bowel movements)
• carry nutrients (food) and oxygen to cells
• maintain fluid balance and the delicate balance of minerals
• cushion joints

It is important to balance the amount of water going into the body with the amount of water being lost by the body. This is especially important if you are:

• very young
• elderly
• sick with fever, vomiting, or diarrhoea
• taking medicines that cause the body to lose water
• exercising
• living in extreme climates: hot, humid, dry, or high altitude
• travelling on a long airplane trip

How does our body get and lose water?

The body absorbs water through the stomach and gut when you eat and drink. Water leaves the body through:

• breathing
• sweat
• urine
• bowel movements, especially if you have diarrhoea
• vomiting

How much water should I drink?

How much water you should drink depends on:

• your age and body size
• what you eat (food contains small amounts of water in it)
• your level of activity (the more active you are, the more water you need)
• the weather (the warmer the weather, the more water you need)
• your health
• whether you are a man or woman (men usually need more water than women do because they have more lean muscle)
• what medicines you take (some medicines cause your body to lose water)

Most of the time you will get enough water if you:

• eat a healthy diet ~ drink water with each meal ~ drink water between meals.
Drink more water during strenuous exercise and in hot weather. If you are taking certain medicines or you have a chronic disease, such as congestive heart failure or kidney problems, you may need to drink more or less water. Talk with your healthcare provider about how much water you should drink every day.

How do I know if I am drinking enough water?

A healthy body can control the balance of water. If you go to the bathroom fewer than 4 times a day, you may need to drink more fluids.

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